Monday, September 28, 2009

"Not everything is design, but design is about everything. So do yourself a favor: be ready for anything. "
-Michael Bierut

Monday, September 21, 2009

Water Crystal Experiment

I posted a link to Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiment with water crystals. I think this proves it is important to think about what concepts or views a designer displays because it will affect people even if they say it doesn't.


For the environmental typography project I have the word unique. When I think of unique, I picture snowflakes. It takes so many little flakes to make several inches of snow on the ground and no two flakes are supposed to be identical. I'm sure the sky is just as unique everyday at sunset with the placement of the clouds and varying shades of yellows, oranges, pinks, etc.

Chalk Art

I saw this image at Bayshore Mall where there was a chalk art festival. Though every artist did excellent work, this piece caught my eye because of the different way the artist displayed the image. Unlike all the other artists, whose work is meant to be viewed on the ground, this artist wanted the viewers to look at the image's reflection on a cylindrical surface. To do that, the artist also had to draw keeping in mind what the reflection of the final image would look like, not just the image on the ground.